Sukhawadee House
Sukhawadee House
Being close to beautiful to sea, this pleasant place is suitable for holding banquets, wedding feasts or visiting to appreciate the nature under a cordial atmosphere. Sukhawadee House is open for the public to pay a visit and take photographs. From Mondays to Fridays, only the exterior of the house is open to the public whereas on weekends, the first floor and the deck of this house are open for visitors to pay homage to Chao Mae Kuanim established on an upper floor. Tourists can buy fast foods from Sukhawasee Saha Farm Cooperatives inside the house. Health food products are also available.
Address :
Open Time : Mondays - Fridays : Only the exterior of the house is open to the public all day.Weekends: The interior of the building is open to the public from 10.00 -18.00 hrs.
Telephone : 0-3822-3536-9