Pattaya Secrets Forum

Pattaya Secrets is the 2nd oldest and the 2nd largest of the main Pattaya Forums in terms of post counts but it has now fallen back to 3rd place, behind Pattaya Addicts in terms of members. It was started, and run by the consortium of members who own and manage the Secrets Bar and Hotel off Walking Street Pattaya.

Like other bar owned forums it has an (understandable) bias towards towards it own bar although this means that unbiased opinion for its members is less likely. In the past it has been embroiled in "forum wars" mainly with the now defunct Pattaya-Chat but also, to a lesser degree, with PattayaTalk. The fight with the former seemed to be personal and with the latter more commercially orientated due to the fact that one of the managers from the bar that owns the PattayaTalk site left to join the Secrets Bar and Hotel consortium.

Of the main forums this is probably the most overtly sexual, which explains its fairly rapid growth. These include a Couples and Alternative Lifestyles section (for couples, swingers and ladyboy lovers) which seems to be increasingly popular. However before you all rush off to join it please note that it has several different "levels" inro which you must be invited as a member - each level basically gets naughtier and naughtier. The aforementioned Couples and Alternative Lifestyles section even requires you to PROVE who you are by showing credit card details (numbers deleted) and passport copy. Somewhat excessive in my view for a chat forum.

It does seem to make a particular play for "couples" both on the forum and at the hotel. If you are couple looking for fun in Pattaya then this may be the board for you.

It also seems more open minded towards ladyboys than the other boards.

It has been accused (though I cannot confirm) that it has been guilty of both editing members posts and, worse still, of making members "Private Messages" available to the administrators. A private message in my view should remain exactly that - private.

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